Sunday 10 March 2013

Bang Saen Beach

We chose the wrong day to walk down to the beach to watch the sun set. By the time we got there, the sky had clouded over completely with dark, threatening storm clouds and a strong wind was blowing. If it wasn't for all the coconut palms, you could have imagined you were at Blackpool!

We had our first introduction to sticky rice in bamboo, and I think I am in danger of becoming addicted! This morning I went to get some fruit at the market (bpai suu pon-la-mai tii dta-laad), and couldn't resist buying another one. The sticky rice, which is sweet and usually has some kind of fruit mixed in, is sold inside a bamboo shoot, which they smash open for you. It is quite delicious - a-roy!

Tomorrow some of the staff from the VSO office are coming to Bang Saen and we will have some more briefings. Then back to language training Tuesday-Saturday, and a further two weeks after that, by which time hopefully we'll be able to say something a little more sophisticated than "I went to get some fruit at the market"!


  1. Does this mean tiffin has been knocked off the top treat spot?!

    1. If I find a place selling tiffin you can be sure I'll buy some!! :-)

  2. I keep reading about sticky rice in 'Little Daughter' (which I'm now reading and it is more poignant thinking of you not far from where it all happened.) So what's the secret? how do they make it sticky?
