Thursday 18 July 2013

Doggy Update

Last weekend I began to notice a strange quiet, and realised after a while that the yappy dogs from the house opposite were no longer there. After my comment in a previous post, I think I should hasten to point out that I had nothing whatsoever to do with their disappearance! I know that Alice’s coordinator, who lives next door but one had complained about the smell from the yard. I need to ask her if she knows what has happened to them. It is a wonderful relief not to hear their neurotic barking anymore!

I have also finally identified the source of another mysterious noise that I had been hearing. My attempts at matching it to any familiar sounds had led to the following hypotheses:

1)      Someone snoring into a microphone, which was then relayed via the street loudspeakers

2)      Someone using a blow torch in very regular, short bursts

3)      A very large, asthmatic dog breathing/ growling

I always seemed to hear it late at night or very early in the morning, and it would start and stop quite suddenly. The other evening it started up earlier than usual, so I went outside to investigate, and discovered that it is coming from an ancient, fell-off-the-back-of-the-Ark washing machine in the front yard of the house next to the ex-yappy-dogs-abode. Out of the frying pan?!

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