Sunday 21 April 2013

Little achievements

You know it's all starting to get on top of you when....

.... you find yourself getting all emotional and teary-eyed at the check-out in Tesco because they are playing "Country Roads, Take me Home.." on the radio. Not that I have ever lived in West Virginia, but the sentiment remains the same! Someone please remind me of this in two years time when I am feeling miserable about leaving Thailand!!

It shouldn't be so physically and emotionally draining, moving the contents of four bags from one location to another, but I was exhausted yesterday after moving to my new temporary abode. The heat doesn't help. I found it difficult to sleep, and was most alarmed to be woken at 6am by interminable tuneless music being played over loud speakers just around the corner. Talk about out of the frying pan - the temple chanting was most soothing in comparison. Sam reassured me that it is not a regular occurrence - thank goodness!

I have decided I need to appreciate the little achievements more, instead of fretting about the un-sorted and the uncertain. So, today's achievements:
  • locating somewhere that sells coat hangers. My clothes are now hanging neatly in a wardrobe - finally!
  • preparing questions for the interviews for my coordinator/assistant, to be held on Wednesday
  • being introduced to the Sunday Market by Chandanie, another VSO volunteer who lives down the road and has taken me under her wing
  • buying POTATOES!! (and other fruit and veg)
  • cooking my first meal for myself in 2 months - an interesting concoction from what I had managed to buy at the market
  • Skype call with Mum. I am very lucky that internet access is so widely available here. Once I get my own place I will certainly get it set up if it isn't already. Well worth paying for to be in touch with folk back home!
So, off to bed now and hoping to sleep a bit better. Tomorrow is the Training of Trainers course, so I should probably have a look at my notes before I go to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Don't fret our Hev...I frequently get emotional in Tesco''s obviously something that crosses continents:-D
    Good luck tomorrow...enjoy it!x
