Thursday 27 June 2013

Thought for the Day 4

There seem to be lots of people going round with inspirational sayings on their T-shirts. Here are a couple that struck a chord with me that I thought I would share:

We make a living by what we get
We make a life by what we give

Experience is not what happens to you
Experience is what you do with what happens to you

Of course, there is no T-shirt saying quite as inspirational as my own:

Keep Calm and eat TIFFIN!

Looking at that photo I've just realised how much my hair has grown! I must find a hairdresser soon. I wonder if I will manage to communicate that I just want it trimmed, or if I'll come away with something more drastic?! I will keep you informed...


  1. I don't think any t-shirt could compete either inspirational message on yours! I'm not sure how good Eddie's Thai is but I could see if he'll Skype your new hairdresser...could be interesting!
    Not forgotten my promised Skype session...I will as soon as things quieter down :-S

  2. Or perhaps Eddie would fancy a little trip to Thailand!! :-)
